Port Lincoln Primary School Logo

Port Lincoln Primary School

We achieve with pride


The staff of the Port Lincoln Primary School welcomes your family to our school.

Our school offers a warm, friendly and secure environment where your children can develop academically, socially and emotionally.

Members of our school community are very proud of their school. We recognise parents/caregivers are the first and most important educators in a child's life and we look forward to working in partnership with you to provide the very best education possible.

We promote the development of social responsibility - in our communications, caring and respect for self, others and property. A high value is placed on all learning, effort and success. We promote the growth of girls and boys as persons, each with their own unique individuality and learning styles.

Kathy Davison

A Creative, innovative, friendly & Secure Environment.

Cooperation and sharing are modelled and the involvement of the whole school community is directed towards improving outcomes for children.

Learning, excellence, effort & quality of achievement.

Our school is a place where achievement is expected and acknowledged.
We take pride in achievement, effort and learning as an ongoing process.

A learning environment, which is socially just.

Individual needs are catered for and the right to self-expression is supported within an agreed code of behaviour. We treat individuals fairly and everyone is encouraged to participate fully and make the most of available opportunities.